2020-02-052020-02-052020-02-052019-12-10https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1452This article aims to address the culture of violence against women, that is, gender-based violence, though revenge porn. Initially, considerations were made about the main medium in which revenge pornography happens: the internet, making a timeline between the emergence to contemporary days, addressing the benefits and harms, getting to the point of discussing about cybercrime and how social media influence the occurrence of this crime. Indeed, it was discussed about revenge porn, defining it as gender-based violence, and thereafter discussing about the Brazilian legislation tutelage of the victim of revenge porn, taking women’s human rights in the international ambit as a starting point. Based on the literature review, this article started from a study about the principle of human dignity and the personality rights, as well as the possibility of civil liability for those who violate these rights.Acesso AbertoMulherPornografia de vingançaCrime cibernéticoInternetViolência de gêneroDignidade da pessoa humanaDireitos da personalidadeLegislação brasileiraResponsabilidade civilWomenRevenge pornCybercrimeInternetGender-based violenceHuman dignityPersonality rightsBrazilian legislationCivil liabilityPornografia de vingança: a tutela jurídica da vítima a partir dos desafios da proteção da privacidade on-lineTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito