2019-07-172019-07-172019-07-172018-08-31https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/839This paper proposes to analyze the interaction repertoires of the women's and feminist movements during the Dilma Government (2011-2016), becoming relevant for bringing a political and temporal cut that has not yet been studied - especially since it is a recent period. These movements have a long process of internal organization, of articulation with each other and with the Brazilian State, so that the demands are consolidated, heard and answered. In the light of Political Process Theory, through qualitative, exploratory, bibliographical and documentary research, we used four a priori categories that allowed us to compose a relational field between movements and government, State and civil society.Acesso AbertoGêneroMovimentos sociaisMovimentos de mulheresMovimentos feministasGoverno Dilma RousseffRenderSocial movementsWomen's movementsFeminist movementsDilma Rousseff governmentRepertórios de interação dos movimentos de mulheres e feministas com o governo Dilma RousseffDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar