2020-07-242020-07-242020-07-242020-06-10https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1656The present academic work analyzes the consequences of virtual infidelity on marriage and family, through a systematic review of literature carried out through books, scientific articles and dissertations. In order to identify the pillars of family and its legal complications, the study was conducted on the historical evolution of the institution, which directly reflects the concepts of marriage and marital rights and duties.This academic work highlights that the internet has provided new ways of relations, opening up space for virtual infidelity, which presents itself as a subject that is widely discussed and experienced by today's society. This study reveals that reparation is entitled when virtual infidelity is proven and it affects the rights of the betrayed spouse through an action to repair moral damages. In the course of the process, the matter is not who caused the end of the marital relationship, but if the unfaithful spouse acted with illegal conduct, causing damage to their partner.Acesso AbertoInfidelidade virtualInternetConjugalidadeDever de fidelidadeDano moralResponsabilidade civilVirtual infidelityConjugalityDuty of loyaltyMoral damagesCivil responsabilityAmante digital: as consequências pisicojurídicas da infidelidade virtual no casamento e na famíliaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito