2018-11-222018-11-222018-11-222016-05-30https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/512Santana, A.D. P. (2016). Women who were mothers when adolescents: trajectories of development in different family contexts. A case study in a popular neighborhood of Salvador. Master Thesis. The superintendence of research and postgraduate program of post-graduation in family in contemporary society. Catholic University of Salvador. Salvador/BA. The experience of having a child represents a rupture in the development of adolescence, a period represented as important in the life of the individual. In this way, implies in a break in their dynamics, challenging concepts and expectations that had been designed about own trajectories. The consequences of this event entail various changes, mainly in relation to the expectations outlined for the future of this young mother, causing uncertainty. This study aimed to characterize the different trajectories of women who became mothers in adolescence, identifying the coping strategies of which they cast hand to deal with critical events that occur along these paths. The theoretical framework, within the cultural Psychology of Development, is based on the concepts of disruptions and transitions, Zittoun, and in the process of construction of meanings (Valsiner), from the experiences made by person along its trajectory. This is a qualitative study of multiple cases, through narratives of life trajectories of six young mothers who had children in adolescence. They come from different family contexts, including in the study: cases of mothers who had children in adolescence and maintained the relationship with the father of the child; mothers who have lost their companions of violent manner, becoming widows and mothers who remained unmarried women. The interviewees, when adolescents, were part of a project developed in 2004 in Nordeste de Amaralina, in Salvador, BA. The analysis considers data collected in two moments (2004 and 2015/2016). For data collection, the tool used were interviews narratives. The analysis, inspired the approach bioecological of Bronfenbrenner and in how Tania Zittoun conceives transitions and ruptures in the course of life, focused on the interdependence between contexts and trajectories of development, seeking to understand how these are characterised, and the singularities of personal movement and the meanings constructed by these women to face of critical events (ruptures) along their transition to motherhood. Questions that guided the discussion of data were: as the trajectory of the adolescent mother emerges from the time of pregnancy? What are the points of reference, the other social, the resources on which they rely to signify the own experience? In what way the fact of having become mothers in adolescence has affected its prospects for the future? In the conclusions, stand out: pregnancy drawing different trajectories, the maternal figure being the primary reference point, to face the critical events they use as resources, the own demands that upload of justice, happiness and truth.Acesso AbertoMaternidadeAdolescênciaRupturaEnfrentamentoTrajetóriasNarrativaMotherhoodAdolescenceRuptureCopingTrajectoriesNarrativeMulheres que foram mães quando adolescentes: trajetórias de desenvolvimento em diferentes contextos familiares um estudo de casos em um bairro popular de Salvador-BaDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar