2020-01-072020-01-072020-01-072019-10https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1303The corpus analyzed addresses how discourses that are not individual or universal, but rather collective, allow us to be involved in diverse situations and social practices in which there is a circulation of power and knowledge. The analysis devices to be worked are the conditions of production, discursive and ideological formations and discursive memory, identified in the process of construction of the city of Salvador by the perspective of the writer Isaías Carvalho in Urban Memory: poetics for a city (2012)Acesso AbertoCondição de produçãoMemóriaIdentidadeUrbanizaçãoProduction conditionMemoryIdentityUrbanizationSEMOC - Semana de Mobilização CientíficaOs fios da memória no processo de construção da urbe: uma análise discursivaSEMOC - Semana de Mobilização Científica (22: 2019: Salvador, Ba)Artigo de EventoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar