2020-10-302020-10-302020-10-302020-06-29https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2056The population aging process has become part of the reality of several countries. The reality faced by elderly people depends on how old age is treated in each country, from public policies aimed at this population segment to how access to socially produced goods and services occurs. With the new family configurations, the long-term care institution for the elderly (LTCI) has become a space of care to replace family care. The central question of this study was: to what extent has the protection offered to residents of LTCIs been guided by the principles of social protection inscribed in national and international documents aimed at this population segment? It aimed to analyze the non-family housing alternatives for the elderly, the motivations that led elderly people and their families to choose this type of housing, as well as their perceptions of institutionalization. The locus of investigation were three philanthropic institutions in the city of Salvador, located in different areas of the city (Centro, Brotas, and Itapagipe Peninsula); as for the identification of the institution, the mapping of the LTCIs operating in the city was carried out. The historical-dialectic method was used. The data collection techniques used were interviews and bibliographic and documentary research.Acesso AbertoVelhicesPessoa idosaILPIAssistência socialOld ageElderly peopleLTCISocial assistanceEntre o desejado e o possível: as instituições de longa permanência para idosos no município de Salvador - BahiaDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar