2019-10-082019-10-082019-10-082018-102448-1858https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1040This article has the scope to analyze the need for refuge that is presented to the life of LGBTI people through the legitimation of the violation of fundamental rights by their countries of origin. In addition to analyzing the causes and possible solutions to the issue, it aims to give visibility to the debate, which revolves around a social group, which for many years has been invisibilized and silenced. It also aims to broaden the discussion on the real and effective guarantee of fundamental human rights established in the UN Charter and reiterated in Conventions and Treaties. Through the analysis of indicators and surveys carried out by researchers and international and national entities, it was possible to verify that the refuge of LGBTI people, within the legal concept of social group, becomes a reality when countries have laws that foment prejudice and discriminationAcesso AbertoRefiadosLGBTIDireitos HumanosACNURDiscriminaçãoRefugeeLGBTIHuman RightsUNHCRDiscriminationSEMOC - Semana de Mobilização CientíficaO instrumento do refúgio aplicado aos indivíduos LGBTISEMOC - Semana de Mobilização Científica (21: 2018: Salvador, Ba)Artigo de EventoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar