2021-01-192021-01-192021-01-192020-102448-1859https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/3042Urban mobility is a fundamental aspect for active aging, reducing functional disability and favoring the maintenance of independence for the elderly. Objective: To discuss the association between elderly people as pedestrians and urban mobility. Methodology: This is a literature review. A bibliographic survey was carried out in the PUBMED and SCIELO databases, using the keywords: mobility limitation, health of the elderly, urban area, aging and their correlates in the English language. Results: 54 articles were found on the PUBMED platform and 24 on SCIELO. After analyzing the titles and abstracts with the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 15 articles were collected to compose the research. Final considerations: The analysis of the articles showed that the characteristics of the urban environment significantly influence the mobility of the elderly, especially when added to the harmful factors of aging, favoring functional dependence, social isolation and increased risk of falls.Acesso AbertoLimitação da mobilidadeÁrea urbanaSaúde do idosoEnvelhecimentoLimitation of mobilityUrban areaElderly healthAgingMobilidade urbana do idoso na condição de pedestre: revisão de literaturaSEMOC – Semana de Mobilização Científica (23.:2020: Salvador, Ba)Artigo de EventoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar