2019-01-232019-01-232019-01-232019-01-23https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/582This monograph aims at understanding and addressing the reality of Brazilian prisons in women's specificities, believing that there is a discrepancy in the treatment of women, mainly due to the gender inequality present in our society. The objective is to identify the main causes of the high rate of black women present in women's prisons, together with the analysis of the reality of these women's lives, as well as their level of education, aiming at a more complete study of who are the women who actually make up the prison system. In addition, it also proposes to understand the historical transformations that the country underwent and what changed in the lives of these women over the years to the present day.Acesso AbertoSistema carcerárioMulheres negrasPresídiosVulnerabilidade socialPrison systemBlack womenPrisonsSocial vulnerabilityMulheres encarceradas: a realidade das mulheres negras nos presídios brasileirosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito