2019-01-232019-01-232019-01-232018-10-25https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/576Inscribed in the research line "Family in Social Sciences", this research focuses on violence in intimacy relations, with a generational cut in youth. This issue has achieved visibility, at the social and scientific levels, and is nowadays considered as a problem, due the impact and multiplicity of manifestations and consequences. The objective of this research was to analyze violent events in intimacy relations, precipitating factors and consequences in the last year, among youngs, as well as presentation of the main legal elements of protection and defense in the light of literature. Method: This research was carried out with two young men of both genders and between 16 and 24 years of age, from two medium - sized public schools in Salvador and Feira de Santana - Bahia. It was used the same instrument ("Young Loving Path), Brazilian version, submitted to cross-cultural adaptation, validation and psychometric analysis, for use in the national context), to operationalize the quantitative (questionnaire - objective questions) and qualitative (interviews - subjective questions) approaches. In the quantitative approach were selected a sample of youngs (n = 45) (3% to 5% of the total number of students (16 to 24 years old), randomly selected, according to the high school grades. The randomized students, who accepted and signed a consent form, individually answered the questionnaire on sociodemographic aspects and violent events in the couple, in the last 12 months. Data were analyzed using software IBM® SPSS® Statistic version 22, calculating simple frequencies and percentages, according to gender and age groups. In the qualitative approach, interviews were conducted with eleven (n = 11) youngs, among those who participated in the quantitative phase (n = 45), based on subjective PAJ questions related to violent events in intimacy relations: a) How it was the situation?; b) Talk about the other person involved; c) Talk about what you did; and, d) What are your feelings at the exact moment it happened? It was used Content Thematic Analysis \ ATC, carried out in systematic steps:"Pre-analysis", for the formation of the "corpus"; "Material exploration", for coding and treatment of results, identifying key categories and subcategories,; "Interpretation of content", based on "corpus" and categories extracted, to discuss the findings.This research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the State University of Feira de Santana (CAAE: 46267215.6.0000.0053, according to Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council). Results: The findings indicated a high frequency of violent events in the intimacy of couples (quantitative and qualitative data), where Psychological Violence, manifested by Verbal Violence and Control, was cited by the majority, presenting a bi-directional characteristic (perpetrated by both genders)."Jealousy and Power Relations", as well as the "Control" were the prominent categories, reported by the unanimity of young people, as precipitating factors of violent events, independent of manifestation (verbal, physical, sexual), serving as justification for perpetration and as a representation of positive care and feelings between partners. The verbal violence was manifested with mutual aggression, an attitude considered natural and of little gravity, by young people. Physical violence, perpetrated more by boys, accompanied by emotional dependence between partners and lack of awareness of being in abusive intimate relationships. Sexual violence was explained by several manifestations and mostly “sexual violence without penetration”, especially reported by girls, with more frequent cases in Salvador. Considerations: The findings indicate a high magnitude of violent occurrences in intimacy among young people, as a risk factor and negative impact on the mental and global health, in the process of psychosocial development. There is a need for effective investments, raising awareness among families and different social sectors of the importance of healthy relationships, based on human rights and the full exercise of citizenship, fundamental conditions for personal and interpersonal balance.Acesso AbertoViolênciaJuventudeIntimidadeContexto social e familiarDireitos humanosCidadaniaViolenceYouthIntimacySocial and family contextHuman rightsCitizenshipLentes urgentes: a violência entre jovens na intimidade, manifestações e fatores de riscoDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar