2019-09-252019-09-252019-09-252019-06-11https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1021This article’s main objective is to propose a case study about the TAC signed between the MPBA and the City Hall of Salvador, dealing with inferences obtained from their inapplicability to the animal cause. Although the protection conferred on animals has prospered, they are still subjected to constant transgressions, focusing on facts such as the negligent performance of the CCZ of Salvador, which demonstrates the prevalence of anthropocentric conceptions in human nature. The present article is based on this point, aiming at analyzing the absence of public policies and the neglect of society as a whole, putting at risk all human and non-human beings that make up the environment, which, in principle, should be " ecologically balanced ".Acesso AbertoDireito animalAbandonoPolíticas públicasAnimais domésticosSujeitos de direitoAnimal rightAbandonmentPublic policyDomestic animalRight subjectO termo de ajustamento de conduta celebrado entre o Ministério Público da Bahia e a Prefeitura Municipal: aplicabilidade frente aos casos de abandono e maus-tratos de cães e gatos na cidade de SalvadorTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito