2019-09-162019-09-162018-102019-09-162019-09-162019-09-16https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1005The subject of this article deals with an offense to the constitutional principles from the hitch in registration of prices. The central objective is to verify compliance with the transparency requirements of Law 12,527 / 2011 in the scope of purchases made by adhesions. In addition, it contextualizes access to information from a human rights perspective, highlights its influence on the principle of publicity within the country, relating it to the concepts of accoutability. It presents the historicity of the Price Registration System, the hitchhiking and the doctrinal positions Finally, it shows the financial volume of public purchases of the Federal Executive organs, between 2013 to 2017, of the rides between the years 2012 to 2016 and matches the procedures and limits for hitchhiking in the state executive branch in relation to Decree No. 7,892 / 2013. In conclusion, it presents propositions regarding the system of registration of prices from devices of PLC nº 6.814 / 2017. The legal - dogmatic aspect is used predominantly in relation to the Law on Access to Information, the Pact of San Jose of Costa Rica, the Federal Constitution, the Law on Tenders and Contracts, Judgments TCU and jurisprudence and infraconstitutional legislation in understanding the scope of freedom of expression.Acesso AbertoRegistro de preçoCaronaPrincípios constitucionaisPrice registrationRideConstitutional principlesCaronas em registro de preços e a vulneração ao princípios constitucionaisRide in registration of prices and the vulneration to the constitutional principlesCongresso Internacional de Direito (2. : 2018: Salvador, Ba)Artigo de EventoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito