2019-07-112019-06-122019-07-112019-04-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/831This dissertation report is part of studies carried out at the Universidade Católica do Salvador, in the Master in Social Policies and Citizenship, in the Research Line - Universal Policies, Institutionalization and Control. The objective of this study was to recognize and analyze, based on the balance of the stricto sensu knowledge production produced in the period from 2000 to 2017 in Brazil, which point out the twenty six theses and dissertations produced in this period in IEs Post-Graduate Programs located in the Brazil regions, on the limitation of the institutionalized elderly capacity, considering the reality, challenges, contradictions and possibilities developed by the deploy and implementation of the National Policy of the Elderly (PNI), in accordance with the recommendations of the Statute of the Elderly and Policy of Security of Social Assistance to the Elderly. The research path developed demanded the following central question: what does the balance of twenty-six stricto sensu knowledge productions generated between 2000 and 2017 about the functional capacity limitation of the institutionalized elderlies, considering the reality, challenges and contradictions developed by the deploy and implementation of the National Policy of the Elderly - PNI, of the Statute of the Elderly and of the Policy of Security of Social Assistance to the Elderly?As hypothesis, it was analyzed that there are great challenges and contradictions between what points out the legal framework and what is identified in the researches in Brazil about the functional capacity of the institutionalized elderly and this was confirmed from the analysis of the 26 productions stricto sensu indicating that there is not really a commitment on the part of the State to apply social public policies aimed at the institutionalized elderly, evi dencing the discrepancy in terms of the generating a wide National Policy of the Elderly, as well as the Statute of the Elderly is not being considered in the completeness and there is a fragile Policy of Security of Social Assistance to the Elderly attended in the long-stay Institutions emanated by the Brazilian State. The methodology used was documentary research with application of content analysis, considering the knowledge production balance, having as a data source 26 productions stricto sensu and the legal framework that deals with ILPI. The main final considerations point out that there is not State to commit to the implementation of social policies that can generate a broad effective National Policy for the Elderly, just as the Statute of the Elderly is not being considered in integrity; there is a fragile Social Assistance Security Policy for the Elderly, emanating from the social policies implemented by the Brazilian State, through what has been affirmed by the public social policies, through historical determinations that the studies raise.Acesso AbertoIdosoPolíticas sociais para idososCapacidade funcional do idosoInstituição de longa permanência para idosos - ILPIElderlySocial policies for the elderlyFunctional capacity of elderlyLong-stay institutions for the elderly - ILPILimitação da capacidade funcional de idosos institucionalizados: realidade e contradições a partir da análise da produção do conhecimento - 2000 a 2017DissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar