2019-07-302019-01-302019-07-302019-06-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/865This text will deal with the issue of human trafficking, as well as the issue of organ donations, in order to find out if the organ donation system in Brazil corroborates with traffic of people for purposes removal of organs and tissues. In this way, this monograph seeks to provide clearer and more cohesive information regarding the legislative definitions of human trafficking and the placement of individuals in the position of merchandise, identification of victims of trafficking, as well as violations of fundamental rights of human beings. It will deal in the text, questions about the consent of organ donation and the lack of preparation of professionals. There will also be questions about the possibility of legalizing an organ trade as a possible solution to the trafficking problem. Finally, policies on prevention, repression of trafficking in organs and tissues, as well as a proposals to encourage donations will be mentioned. This is a hypothetical-deductive research, and hypotheses are established in the work for the subsequent verification of its truth by deduction.Acesso AbertoTráfico de pessoasDoação de órgãos(Im)possibilidade de legalizaçãoHuman traffickingOrgan donation(Im)possibility of legalizationTráfico de pessoas para fins de remoção de órgãos e tecidos: uma análise em paralelo à proposta de doação de órgãos consentida no BrasilTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito