2018-11-192018-11-162018-11-192018-07-30https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/504This study aims to study the initiation program for scientific research and contributions to undergraduate student training and the consolidation of research at the Catholic University of Salvador - UCSAL, focusing on the academic and scientific contributions of the Institutional Scholarship Program of Scientific Initiation - PIBIC for undergraduate scholarship students and for the consolidation of research and research groups in undergraduate and postgraduate studies at UCSAL. The research methodology used an explanatory and descriptive qualitative approach. The study comprised: a) bibliographic review; b) analysis of official documents of CNPq, FAPESB and UCSAL; c) observation of PIBIC scholarship students in CI activities and seminars held at UCSAL in 2016, at the Federation campus, and 2017, at the Pituaçu campus; d) participation of the researcher in the writing workshops, aimed at PIBIC grantees. The data collection instruments used were: two online questionnaires, composed of 24 questions for the scholarship students and 16 questions for the guiding teachers. The questions were, distributed between closed and open questions, all developed and applied with the google doc form. The data collected were analyzed according to Ludke (1986), through four main categories: 1) profile of the respondents; 2) scope of CI activity and expectations of future trajectories; 3) contributions of the CI activity to the PIBIC student stock; 4) contributions of IC activities to the consolidation of research and research groups in undergraduate and postgraduate studies at UCSAL. The subjects that participated in the research were: a) the PIBIC scholarship students of UCSAL who were part of the program between the years of 2015.2 to 2018.1; b) the current teachers guiding the GDPIC in the same period; c) and PIBIC commission members in the same period and administrative technical official. The main findings were: Both PIBC students and guiding teachers recognize the contribution and relevance of PIBIC in undergraduate education; another important point pointed out by the respondents was the importance of participating in IC seminars promoted annually by UCSAL; the participation of PIBIC students in national and international congresses, because for them it is an important moment when the results of their research are socialized and publicized; the participation of PIBIC in research groups, at this time PIBIC scholarship student can interact with professors researchers, masters and doctoral students. According to the respondents of this research they reported that after participating in PIBIC, they developed skills such as: knowledge in scientific methods, critical spirit, interest in research, autonomy.Acesso AbertoIniciação científicaPrograma institucional de bolsas de iniciação científica (PIBIC)Contribuições acadêmico-científicasScientific initiationInstitutional program of scientific initiation scholarships (PIBIC)Academic-scientific contributionsPrograma de iniciação à pesquisa científica e contribuições para a formação do estudante de graduação e a consolidação da pesquisa na Universidade Católica do SalvadorDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar