2018-07-092018-07-052018-07-092011-04-26https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/450The review approaches issues that are considered fundamental to know and discuss about the territorial dynamics of the city of Dias d'Ávila, in Bahia, Brazil, in relation to the urban-industrial occupation and expansion in rural environment, starting from the understanding that the urbanization process was directly influenced by the industrialization of the region, coordinated by the developmental state of the 70's. In this process, we find the invisibility of rural dynamics, socio-historically built and socially given, being cartographically illustrated. This dynamics is responsible for the construction of the city's identity, directly related to its water sources. This review characterizes and discusses the formation of the urban/industrial space in the city of Dias d'Ávila, emphasizing its negative implications on the water sources, which bring tensions. This tensions were studied theoretically based on the metropolitan rurality notion, that made possible to characterize the relation between rural and urban and this categories and the nature in several ways of contest that are expressed in three categories of tensions: (i) in the nature appropriation; (ii) in the uses that generate ambiental risks; and (iii) in the use of nature in cultural activities. In the city of Dias d'Ávila case, the water is the element from the nature that is in contest. Starting from the notion of metropolitan rurality, the Metropolitan Rurality Qualitative Indicator (IQRM) was evaluated in this review, which enabled the identification and appropriation of empirical evidences that get the rural and urban way of living tensed up, considering the water sources as the center of this tense relation. Analysis and synthesis cartographies illustrate and endorse the Indicator and the interpretative analysis.Acesso AbertoRuralUrbano/industrialNaturezaÁguaRuralidade metropolitanaUrban/industrialNatureWaterMetropolitan ruralityTensões territoriais no uso da água em Dias D’Ávila-BahiaDissertaçãoPlanejamento Urbano e Regional/DemografiaTerritorialização e Desenvolvimento Social