2019-09-062019-09-062019-09-062019-06-05https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/957Paternal inclusion in gestation is still little discussed, although there are ancient studies on the subject, however, it is necessary to understand the importance of paternal presence in the gestational period. Objective:To analyze the perception of pregnant adolescents about paternal participation in the gestational period. Methodology:This is a descriptive, exploratory, qualitative field research whose participation in the study were nine pregnant adolescents who were enrolled in the prenatal service of a public maternity of Salvador, having as instrument of collection of given a semi-structured interview script. Results:Paternal participation in gestation strengthens the family relationship and contributes to a healthy gestation, in addition, the father is no longer seen as a provider and becomes a participant in the actions of care for the partner and the child. Final considerations: There is a need for health professionals to intensify actions that stimulate and encourage parental involvement in gestation and prenatal consultationsAcesso AbertoGestantePaternidadeGestação na adolescênciaPregnant womanPaternityGestation in adolescenceA percepção das adolescentes gestantes sobre a participação faculdade de enfermagem paterna no período gestacionalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da Saúde