2019-02-012019-01-012019-02-012017-06-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/738The Surgical Center is a space within the hospital unit, aimed at performing surgeries. Managing health services in this sector brings a large degree of complexity, which brings Challenges in great proportions. Objective: To know how the management, organization and operation of the Surgical Center is performed, as well as to verify the facilities and difficulties in the dynamics of work and in the provision of services. Method: This is a descriptive field research with a qualitative approach, performed through a script of semi structured interviews. The research was carried out at the Surgical Center of a Philanthropic Hospital, in the city of Salvador-BA, the study population was composed of nurses with at least one year of experience. Results: shows the difficulty of the integration of the multiprofessional team, together with absence of night service, and consequent work overload for daytime service. Conclusion: It was observed in this research that the nurses perform the management in a harmonious way, and recognize the importance of the nurse manager in this sector, managing not only the team, but also the challenges that arise from both the multiprofessional interaction and the functioning.Acesso AbertoCentros CirúrgicosEnfermagem de Centro CirúrgicoGerênciaSurgical CentersSurgical Center NursingManagementDesafios vivenciados por enfermeiros frente à gestão do centro cirúrgico de um hospital filantrópicoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem