2019-09-102019-09-102019-09-102019-06-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/974The number of women involved in drug trafficking is at the heart of women's prisons. In the Women's Criminal Settlement of Salvador (BA), this percentage reaches around 40%: out of the 101 inmates, 40 are responding for narcotics trafficking. In this article, has been verified as main motivations for the entry of women without drug trafficking. In the methodological process was used a group of 40 people, being 25 internal - being 11 are responding provisionally, and 20 are responding definitively. The method found with less than 12% of the women involved in drug trafficking by the modality, without language of the jail, denominated of ostentation; 60% for facing difficulties in their home and family and 28% due to their involvement in traffickers' disorders. Thus, we conclude that the three main factors that propel women in the Women's Criminal Settlement of Salvador to the practice of narcotics trafficking are a modality ostentation, a financial approach and affective relationships.Acesso AbertoTráfico de drogasEncarceramento FemininoEntorpecentesDrug traffickingFemale IncarcerationNarcoticsMulheres no tráfico e suas motivações: um breve estudo no conjunto penal feminino em Salvador-Bahia no ano de 2019.Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito