2019-01-242019-01-242019-01-242019-01-24https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/614bortion, according to material law, consists in the interruption of pregnancy with the consequent death of the product of conception. It happens that, in Brazil, the prohibitive norm of abortion has not fulfilled its main objective that is to compel the woman not to provoke abortion in herself or not to consent that others provoke it. Failure to achieve this objective occurs both in terms of the precept and in terms of the sanction, since it is known that many abort and few are prosecuted and convicted for the practice of abortion. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the norm that criminalizes abortion and to appreciate the present conflict between the need to protect intrauterine life and women's lives, to establish a dialogue between the legal, practical and racial issues, discussing the impacts of the criminalization of abortion on society, especially in the public health bias.Acesso AbertoAbortoCriminalização do abortoTutela da mulherEficácia da normaDireitos humanosSaúde públicaAbortionCriminalization of abortionProtection of womenEffectiveness of legal normHuman rightsPublic health(In)eficácia da norma que criminaliza o aborto e impactos na saúde públicaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito