2020-12-212020-12-212020-12-212020-12-17https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2684The present article intends to analyze the reality of motherhood in the Brazilian female prison system with a focus from childbirth to the moment of weaning of the child and verifying whether it occurs adequately based on the laws that guarantee the rights and safety of mothers in prisons. In addition, it aims to reflect on the gender inequality existing in the Brazilian prison system, as well as an analysis of house arrest as an alternative to avoid the impact generated on the child that is taken from the mother's interaction early. Thus, an analysis will be carried out on the current situation of women's prisons, as well as research on Brazilian legislation dealing with the subject and determine whether these laws are, in fact, being complied with in practice. It was used in this article in order to deepen, the use of bibliographic and qualitative research to understand the reality of imprisoned motherhood in Brazil.Acesso AbertoMaternidadeCárcerePrisões femininasMulheresMaternityPrisonFemale prisonsWomenDo parto sob algemas ao desmame precoce: a realidade por trás da maternidade encarceradaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito