2020-12-282020-12-282020-12-282020-12-16https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2724The strategy adopted by the State in order to protect children and teenagers who are at serious risk is institutional care. This is an exceptional and transitory measure, until the child or adolescent can return to the original family or be definitively placed in a foster home. It happens that a large part of these individuals end up staying for long periods in the institution, reaching adolescence and completing the legal majority in the shelter, when they must be compulsorily disconnected, without any family, social or state support. The aim of this paper is to discuss the State's role in guaranteeing the rights and social integration of adolescents in long-term institutional care. To this end, a qualitative research was carried out, seeking information based on analysis and discussions, using published materials, articles and journals. It concludes by the absence of effective public policies for the social integration of young people egressed from institutional care, suggesting the reinforcement of state funded housing, as a tool to build the autonomy of them.Acesso AbertoAcolhimento institucionalAdolescenteDesinstitucionalizaçãoAdoçãoInstitutional careTeenagerDeinstitutionalizationAdoptionO acolhimento institucional prolongado e a integração dos adolescentes não adotados na sociedadeProlonged institutional hosting and the engagement of teenagers not adopted in societyTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito