2020-10-282020-10-282020-10-282020-06-03https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2033The present article intends to analyze the applicability of the indemnity for moral damage resulting from the civil liability of the children for non-compliance with the duties of care and affection towards their parents and the possible consequences of this attitude. The violation of the duty of care and affection by the children is the reality faced by a large part of the elderly population. Even though it is a serious violence practice, it is a problem with little visibility in the legal sphere. It is the duty of children, as well as other family members and society, to promote inclusion in the social environment, care and support for the elderly. Through a qualitative research, carried out through the deductive method and bibliographic and documentary procedure, we seek to pay attention to children, family members and society about the importance of the duty of care and the establishment of affection as a means of providing the elderly with quality of life for your old age. Through this study, the importance of repairing damages through reverse affective abandonment will be addressed, and the relevance of not limiting this liability to a monetary indemnity as a way of minimizing the damage caused.Acesso AbertoDireito de famíliaDireito dos IdososAbandono afetivo inversoResponsabilidade civilIdoso - abandonoFamily lawElderly lawReverse affective abandonmentCivil responsabilityAbandono afetivo inverso: existe um preço pelo abandono?Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito