2021-07-292021-07-292021-07-292021-06https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4459The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship of the church with the secular state of Brazil, even though the constitution establishes the separation of such powers, in a stage where political actors are confused with religious, in view of a predominant religion, although in a social context with pluralist ideas in which diversity is a striking fact within the scope of a country of continental proportions with millions of inhabitants. Before, however, situating the theme from the Brazilian reality, a projection into the past was made, as the rupture between the two forces came to manifest itself with the historical evolution of this surreptitious symbiotic relationship, which later became autonomous. And independent. With a view to due emphasis, the present article has faced the literature focused on legal science, sentences attached to the theme and doctrine, and the matter came with ideas and thoughts whose source emanates from the sociology of religion as of the same fate as theology, thus demonstrating the interdisciplinary with the sciences surrounding the theme, which from this interaction has the power to make the subject more understandable under the aegis of other rhetoric. In a first moment, therefore, the historical, the norms and principIes and their reIationship with freedom, evolution of the relationship between these two powers is discussed; state functions; the administration of faith; religious freedom in the face of the secular state; actions under the competence of the state; the interference of religion in political power, and, finally, the insufficient protection of the secular state in terms of party-political representation. Thus, it is understood that the discussion developed in the present study is of fundamental relevance, in order to discern the way in which the secular state is being deconstructed in order to prevent it from happening, leading to a constitutional rupture.Acesso AbertoEstado laicoPoder reIigiosoAdministração da féIngerência reIigiosaPirronismoLaic stateReligious powerAdministration of the faithReligious interferenceInsufficiency of the stateEstado laico brasileiro e o poder religioso: eficácia da liberdade religiosaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito