2019-09-092019-09-092019-09-092019-06-05https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/973Sexuality in old age refers to prejudiced and unrealistic stereotypes, leading the elderly to the condition of asexual persons and, consequently, representing a taboo, negatively influencing their lives and inducing a pessimistic attitude towards sex in old age. Objective: To identify the conflicts and taboos that permeate the sexuality of the elderly. Methodology: Integration review of the literature conducted in March 2019, in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) database, where 11 articles were selected based on the pre-established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The studies pointed out that the elderly preserve their sexual desires and in their view sexuality is attributed not only to the sexual act but also to other forms of affection, such as touch, affection, communication and love. Society, due to the prejudiced perception of the elderly person with fragile and incapable person, often ends up repressing their sexual desires. Conclusion: There is a need for a broad awareness of the society and health professionals, since sexuality is little approached by health professionals in the care of the elderly. Prejudice often generates negation and displeasure in the elderly person's experience of their sexuality, leading to a reduction in the practice of old age. In this way, it is necessary to develop health actions aimed at social awarenessAcesso AbertoSexualidadeIdosoSaúde do idosoSexualityOld manHealth of the elderlyA sexualidade na terceira idade: o tabu que envolve os idososTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem