2020-12-152020-12-152020-12-152020-12-09https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2627The objective of this article is to understand, from the analysis of the Fassini and Cacique operations, how international legal cooperation in Brazil is developed for the prevention and repression of international trafficking in women. The general objective was to study the relevance of international legal cooperation as a mechanism to combat international trafficking in women at the national and international levels. As specific objectives, there is the presentation of the historical evolution of the legislation that combats trafficking and conceptualization of this crime according to international protocols; the verification of the laws, plans, policies and measures adopted by the Brazilian State to combat international trafficking in women; the identification of the limits of operation of international legal cooperation as a mechanism to combat human trafficking; and the analysis of real cases of international legal cooperation involving Brazil and human trafficking. For the methodology, a bibliographic and documentary review was used, especially the laws applicable to the subject and studies by organizational institutions that conduct research on the subject.Acesso AbertoTráfico de pessoasProtocolo de palermoCooperação jurídica internacionalOperações Fassini e CaciqueTrafficking in personsPalermo protocolInternational legal cooperationFassini and Cacique operationsTráfico internacional de mulheres para fins de exploração sexual e cooperação jurídica internacional: análise das operações Fassini e CaciqueTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito