2021-09-162021-09-162021-09-162020-11-04https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4609This scientific article proposes to emphasize the innocuousness of formal criminal justice, marked by the (non) protagonism of the victim and the inability to meet the primordial needs of the victim in the post-crime, notably in sexual crimes, limited to the application of distressing punishment to the offender . Thus, with the use of exploratory and dogmatic-legal methods, through bibliographic research, focusing on the victim aspects, especially the victim's needs, the types of victimization caused by criminal retributionism, and, mainly, after understanding that the The revictimization to which they are subjected are caused by the criminal prosecution itself, aiming to highlight the essentiality of the application of restorative practices in the criminal field. It will be demonstrated, therefore, that Restorative Justice, understood as a humanizing procedure, of a pacifying character, which focuses on the direct victim of the crime, but also on the needs of the offender, families, society, involving them in the resolution conflict, provides the victim with a reduction in the effects of secondary damages of the criminal process, revaluing it.Acesso AbertoVitimologiaSobrevitimizaçãoCrime SexualJustiça penal formalJustiça restaurativaHumanização da vítimaVictimologyOver-victimizationFormal criminal justiceRestorative justiceHumanization of the victimA relevância da justiça restaurativa em face da sobrevitimização nos crimes sexuaisTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito