2019-02-202019-02-202019-02-202018-12-19https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/777The objective of this study is to analyze the application of socioeducational measures and the effect of lowering them in the city of Valença in Bahia. Also note a list of minor offenders in society, under a majority of those responsible and also of children and adolescents who have complied with the measures in the municipality. In order to identify the place of criminal recidivism of juvenile offenders with socio-educational actions in the last years, a documental research and conversations with the local CREAS staff were carried out. It is worth mentioning the potential research the meaning of the minor offenders, a recidivism, an application and an insertion of lesser social importance in the city in question.Acesso AbertoMedidas socioeducativasInserçãoCREAS – Centro de referência especializado da assistência socialMenores infratoresDesenvolvimento humanoSocio-educational measuresInsertionMinor offendersHuman developmentAplicação das medidas socioeducativas e a inserção do menor em meio social no município de Valença-BATrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais Aplicadas