2019-01-292019-01-292019-01-292018-12-07https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/655Postpartum depression is a pathology derived from a combination of biopsychosocial factors. When risk factors are identified early in prenatal care, the symptom does not develop in postpartum women. Objective: To discuss the risk factors associated with postpartum depression. . Method: This is an integrative review of the literature, and carried out in a Virtual Health Library (VHL) database, using original articles in Portuguese, published between 2009 and 2017. Results: The biological factors characteristic of the puerperal gravid cycle are associated with PPD; however, the most cited risk factors were psychosocial factors. Final considerations: There is a need to identify the risk of postpartum depression from the beginning of prenatal care based on an attentive and sensitive listening of each woman who experiences the gestation and, in the future, of the maternity, aiming at the improvement of the pregnant woman and better perinatal outcomes.Acesso AbertoDepressão pós-partoFatores de riscoSaúde da mulherPostpartum depressionRisk factorsWomen's healthFatores de risco associado a depressão pós parto: revisão integrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem