2019-02-012019-01-012019-02-012017-06-12https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/723In Brazil, the model of childbirth care is strongly related to the physician's performance and the majority of deliveries are performed in a hospital setting, where a high percentage of cesarean sections are present. The insertion of obstetrical nurses in childbirth care promotes normal delivery and may favor more qualified care. Objective: to describe the process of conquering the professional autonomy of the obstetric nurse in childbirth care. Methodology: characterized by being a literature review of a descriptive nature. Elaborated through data collected from the database: SciELO (ScientificElectronic Library Online), LILACS (Latin American Literature in Health Sciences), and Law of professional practice, with the temporal cut from 2009 to 2014. Results: The results show that the autonomy of the obstetric nurse presupposes the capacity for empowerment, theoretical knowledge based on the best scientific evidence available, practical skills with competence and proactivity for decision making. Conclusion: it is concluded that when there is recognition, confidence and valorization of the work of the EO, the profession starts to act and demonstrate more autonomy in her assistance to the parturient.Acesso AbertoSaúde da mulherAutonomiaEnfermagem obstétricaAssistência ao partoAtuação da enfermeira obstetra na assistência ao parto: uma revisão de literaturaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdeEnfermagem