2016-11-222016-11-222015-12-10https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/123456730/172This study aims to explore the youth courses in the qualification process and its connection with the learning programs of the banking sector in Salvador. Via interdisciplinary analysis of the labor practices and of the future perspectives of the young, facing a social and economic scenery of deep transformations, the study could verify the practical law enforcement by the banking institutions of Salvador, during the insertion process in the qualification program, and analyze the relationship between the expected-explicit in the Program and the accord by the teaching institution – and the practices experienced by the young apprentices during the execution of their activities. It also investigates to what point the labor experience of the young apprentices in the banking sector contributes to their citizen qualification. The trajectory of the young people is evaluated through analysis of the National Learning Program, according to the Law 10.097/00 as a public policy to introduce the young into the labor market. The research, which serves as a basis to the dissertation, has a qualitative, exploratory and comprehensive nature. The empirical field is composed by five young people inside the learning program, having at least six months of work contract in banks of the public or private area as the criteria for participation in the sample. In this sense, distinct views came forward among the expectations and the level of satisfaction during the immersion in the learning program. The instruments to collect data were semi-structured interviews, applied with the “Snowball” technique, or “chain of informants”, focusing on the construction of identities with the labor world and the contemporary challenges in the professional qualification and transition to adult life.Acesso AbertoPercursos juvenisYouth coursesInserções laboraisLabor insertionsFormaçãoApprenticeshipJuventudeYouthEJA - educação de jovens e adultosDilemas e perspectivas na formação de jovens aprendizes: análise de percursos juvenis construídos no programa de aprendizagem do setor bancário de SalvadorDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar