2019-08-152019-08-152019-08-152019-06-17https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/900Inscribed in an interdisciplinary approach and with an emerging theme, the research object reveals complexity and the need to approach social dynamics and family relationships. Civil and criminal actions arising from domestic and family violence against women appear to lack more effective policy responses, since their records do not reveal the true extent of the problem. In several regions of Brazil countless cases of violence suffered by women by their companions or ex-companions have never been registered in police stations through the Bulletin of Occurrence (B.O.). They also end up covering the intergenerational impacts and the search for access to justice. It was found that 72% of the victims of feminicide had never denounced the mistreatment previously suffered. Gaps in the production of knowledge and in the legal approach are characterized, with emphasis on the idea of financial dependence and not autonomy. How important is food fixation for victims of domestic violence? However, the present study is justified considering that it is a matter of social and family impact, discussed in the academic and scientific fields. It will be sought, then, the contribution to propagation of the knowledge on the mentioned subject, besides the description in Present Time and Brazilian context. The objective of this study was to provide a documentary and historiographic analysis about the importance of food fixation for domestic violence victims, especially women, through a literature review. The guarantees enshrined in Law 112.340 / 06 (Maria da Penha Law) deserve to be used in addition to a purely normative legal culture. As a result, seek to improve the instrumentalisation of the protective measures provided for in the Maria da Penha Law, to promote an increase in the security of the integrity of the victim that denounces domestic violence, and to strengthen the idea that the human rights of women are a part: inalienable, integral and indivisibility of universal human rights. This can be done from the coping and counteracting (CEDAW, 1994) guidelines and by creating validation and assurance mechanisms through the food approach, promoting autonomy and protection.Acesso AbertoGêneroLei Maria da Penha (Lei nº 11.340/2006)Pensão alimentíciaDependência econômicaViolência contra a mulherBrasilGenderLei Maria da PenhaLaw 11.340/2006AlimonyEconomic dependenceViolence against womenDescortinando invisibilidades: violência patrimonial e a fixação de alimentos para vítimas de violência domésticaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito