2019-08-262019-08-262019-08-262019-06-05https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/934Stroke (CVA) proves to be the main cause of mortality in Brazil, becoming a serious public health problem. In 1910, Brazilian life expectancy was 33.4 years, increasing to 64.8 years in 2000 and to 75.2 years in 2014. The nursing team performs a set of competencies that the purpose of meeting the need of the patient, preventing, recovering and rehabilitating again. Objective: to analyze nursing interventions in rehabilitation in patients affected by stroke. Method: Review of the literature in 6 scientific databases. The corpus of this study is of 7 articles in the years 2004 to 2014, carried out analysis of content and categorization of the theme. Results: Identified in the articles a greater number of interventions assists, then educational and management. Those in the care domain are more related to care provided in care interventions, planning and assessment of care. Regarding education, the articles point out the importance of the role of nurses as educators, as well as patients, family members and caregivers. The main managerial intervention was the coordination of care, transfers to another sector and high medication. Conclusions: This review highlights the importance of nursing in the process of rehabilitation and health education in these patientsAcesso AbertoEnfermagemAcidente vascular cerebralReabilitaçãoEducação em saúdeCuidados de enfermagemNursingStrokeRehabilitationHealth educationNursing careAs intervenções da enfermagem na reabilitação em pacientes acometidos por acidente vascular cerebralTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da Saúde