2019-08-012019-08-012019-08-012019-06-18https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/876Due to the large index of risk areas located in large urban centers, the use of mobile technologies is projected as an alternative for the verification and mapping of this problem. Considering this scenario, the artificial mapping, an approach that proposes the help of the population in the mapping of the environment to which it is inserted, can be provided to the population even more profitable, because due to the presence of the modern technological components incorporated to the mobile devices , it has become easier to collect geographic data through these devices. In this way, the present work aims to present a hybrid mobile application developed to carry out the mapping of risks, as well as the use of mechanics of the gamification with the purpose of provoking the engagement of the population to assist in the process of improvement of the environment to the which it is inserted. Thus, through an experiment, the data collection, analysis and comparison for the validation of the application were performed, so that the validity of the use of mobile devices in the process of participatory mapping is evidenced, as well as the importance and contribution to the population.Acesso AbertoDispositivos móveisMapeamento participativoGamificaçãoMobile devicesParticipatory mappingGamificationSinalizador de riscos: um aplicativo gamificado para o mapeamento participativo de riscosTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEngenhariasEngenharia de Software