2020-12-292020-12-282020-12-292020-12-15https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2726Family Law has undergone several evolutions and currently covers families in their plural forms. One of the evolutions was to recognize the affiliation arising from the affective bond, which can coexist with the biological and configure multiparenting. There is still no law in the Brazilian legal system specifically providing for the subject; thus, in practice there are still challenging situations to reconcile the implications of the recognition of multiparenting with the different law institutes that were created with traditional affiliation in mind. The present work, therefore, aimed to analyze the legal reflexes of affection from the perspective of multiparenting, through theoretical and bibliographic research, of qualitative nature, with the hypothetical-deductive method.Acesso AbertoFamíliaAfetoSocioafetividadeMultiparentalidadeImplicações jurídicasFamilyAffectionSocio-affectivityMultiparentingLegal implicationsO afeto como elemento primordial na conformação das famílias: uma análise das implicações do reconhecimento da multiparentalidadeTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito