2020-09-282020-09-282020-09-282019-08-13https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1748This dissertation is built on the research line of “Social rights and new rights, construction and citizenship” aiming at the mapping and analysis of scientific productions contributing to the understanding of transgender through gender studies, and Queer activism, with dynamic evaluation. of cultural diversity present in society amidst the transition of governments from 2004 to 2019. The central questioning addresses how intersectoralized public policies can counteract cultural or symbolic injustices in society in addressing violence against LGBTIQ + (Lesbians, Gays) , Bisexuals, Transgender, Intersex Queer). It maps public policies, intersectoralized or not, in the promotion of social actions of recognition of identities and redistribution of rights. It points out ways of making politics, through the union of public policies by intersectoral transpolitics, to suggest the dynamization of public policies. It identifies current intersectoralized policy models for addressing the various forms of gender-based violence, highlighting the need to ensure public policies that better support this collective. It presents scientific works that analyze the rigging of the institutions that originated the National Council to Combat Discrimination and Promotion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite and Transgender Rights (CNCD-LGBT), initiated the Brazil Without Homophobia (BSH) Program, in 2004 and Decrees, originated after the 1st and 2nd National Plan of Policies for Women between 2005 and 2008 with the creation of the Special Secretariat of Policies for Women, with the function of guaranteeing the rights, facing the exclusion and elimination of the discrimination of women. currently ministered by the Secretariat of Government of the Presidency of the Republic of the Ministry of Human Rights. The methodological process of the qualitative research analyzes the statistical data and alarming cases of homophobia, as well as the legal hermeneutics of the historical decisions of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) in guaranteeing the collective based on official sources and agreement with academic and scientific productions on the different aspects, cultural notions of gender. It cuts out a decade of the bills that violate the rights of that collective. It presents sociopolitical, legal events, actions and support programs for the collective with a view to the temporal and spatial analysis of the works that discussed the statistical data, the legal frameworks, regarding the rights to LGBTIQ + in Brazil. Finally, it concludes, being positive and timely, to rethink an ideal model of policy that unites knowledge and sectors that apply political, jurisprudential, intersectoral mechanisms, to ensure more effectiveness in addressing homotransphobia, in order to avoid annulling existing policies.Acesso AbertoTransgeneridadeTransfobiaDireitosAtivismo judicialIntersetorializaçãoTranspolíticasTransgenderityTransphobiaRights judicial activismIntersectorializationTranspoliticsTransgêneros e violências: análise das políticas públicas de enfrentamento à transfobiaDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar