2021-08-032021-08-032021-08-032021-06-21https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4477The problem involving maltreatment in childhood and adolescence is considered very complex and requires several organizations working together to combat this issue and prevent it. Thus, this study aims to analyze the challenges that the doctrine of full protection has in the application of the protection measures provided for by the ECA, with regard to abuse, and more specifically child sexual violence. Thus, the legislative evolution of the rights of children and youth will be demonstrated, which, reaching the current level of the doctrine of full protection through the Federal Constitution and the ECA, brings a list of protective measures for various situations, and the focus of this article is the obstacles that such media have in their full application, which factors lead to their ineffectiveness in many cases, and how they generate the continuation of a vulnerable situation for children and adolescents who are victims of such abuse.Acesso AbertoProteção integralInfância e juventudeMedidas de proteçãoAbuso sexualAbuso sexual infantilFull protectionChildhood and youthProtective measuresMistreatmentSexual abuseDesafios para aplicação das medidas protetivas nos casos de abuso sexual contra crianças e adolescentesTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito