2020-02-052020-02-052020-02-052019-12-09https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1461With the advent of globalization, the forms of interactions between the social masses were undergoing major changes. Among these forms are social networks, which are inserted both in the personal and professional lives of its users. Not the other way around when facing the practice of law. Thus, this article aims to analyze how legal marketing can be performed by the Brazilian lawyer in social networks in light of the Code of Ethics of Discipline of the Brazilian Bar. Being used for such, the qualitative research methodology based on the literature review method, in order to the theoretical basis. Although there is no specific regulation directed to legal marketing in social networks, it can be developed as long as the publicity provisions contained in the Brazilian Bar Code and Ethics and Provision 94/2000 are applied by analogy.Acesso AbertoMarketingPublicidadeÉticaAdvertisingEthicsMarketing jurídico: redes sociais para advogados brasileiros à luz do código de ética e disciplina da OABTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito