2021-07-052021-07-052021-07-052021-06-17https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4423Starting from the research question “From the victimological perspective, how is the phenomenon of non-consensual pornographic exposure configured and how is it related to gender issues?”, this article had as a general objective to understand the characteristics of pornographic exposure and related crimes through the perspective of victimology, as well as the relationship between the phenomenon and gender issues. In the list of specific objectives, it sought to: present the legislative changes in question, as well as the doctrinal problematizations built on them; discuss the impacts of structural sexism through primary, secondary and tertiary victimization according to the statistics collected and the specific cases identified. As a methodology, bibliographic review, document analysis, case studies and data collection were used. The research findings seem to point that there is a greater risk of victimization in women, both in sheer numbers and in intensity, in addition to the unpreparedness of the formal agents of social control when dealing with crimes of this nature.Acesso AbertoExposição pornográficaInternetCrimesVitimizaçãoPornographic exposureInternetCrimesVictimizationO processo de vitimização das mulheres nos crimes de exposição pornográfica não consentida na InternetTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito