2019-07-252019-07-252019-07-252018-01-23https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/854This thesis is based on a qualitative research on socializing logics and societal practices of women-mothers receiving the program family-PF-in the face of the consideration of the requirement of school attendance. It was argued that the category "School attendance" is a marker of the families with the schooling as a requirement of the Family Fellowship program for which is put the challenges and tensions posed to the families. We seek to understand the daily lives of women-mothers who are beneficiaries of the family-GMP Fellowship program and the children's school life, taking into account the fact that, in these relationships, there are different ways of participating in the education of children, accompanying them in the activities and Learning process, as well as issues related to the aspects of the school's routines, relating these forms of participation with the conditions of existence and the history of the family groups and of the women-mothers. The methodology of the research favored the articulation between the history of life and schooling of the women-mothers and the trajectories of schooling of the children and sought to know the educational strategies mobilized by the women-mothers for the benefit of their children. In the course of the research, several techniques of data collection were used: observation, sensitive listening in social service of social services and individual interviews with women. The analyses and results, fabrics, above all, from the narratives of women, we were able to affirm that the educational strategies mobilized by the women-mothers beneficiaries of the mentioned program are involved in the relationship with the school mode of socialization and the logical In a kind of a synthesis of the relationship or a kind of reading built by the optics of the very logic and senses of schooling and education of the beneficiary women-mothers. It was therefore examined how much these issues are interrelated, so we seek to correlate, under a qualitative analysis, some questions about the schooling of popular layers, women, mothers, families and social programs.Acesso AbertoPrograma bolsa famíliaMulheres-mãesFamíliaFrequência escolarContrapartidaEstratégias educativasEscolarizaçãoLógicas socializadorasPráticas sociaisFamily scholarship programWomen-mothersFamilySchool attendanceOtherEducational strategiesSchoolingSocializing logicsSocial practicesDesafios e estratégias educativas de mulheres-mães de camada popular urbana: um olhar sobre a experiência do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF)TeseSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar