2019-08-222019-08-222019-08-222019-06-04https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/918Gestation is a physiological process characterized by major transformations, which begin the first gestational week and end after childbirth. In order to avoid intercurrences, it is necessary to screen for gestational risk, to prevent or minimize maternal and fetal complications, and thereby reduce the rate of death of this nature. Objective: To identify gestational risk factors for hypertensive syndromes and gestational diabetes mellitus in low-risk pregnant women. Methodology: This is an integrative review of the literature. 911 publications were located, titles and abstracts were read with the purpose of refining. 900 articles were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria or because they were duplicated. A total of 11 articles were read. After exhaustive reading, the final sample consisted of 10 articles. Results: From the evaluation of these studies, two categories emerged: Epidemiological profile of pregnant women with hypertensive syndromes and gestational diabetes mellitus in Brazil: gestational risk factors; Screening of gestational risk. Final considerations: Due to the high maternal and neonatal mortality rate associated with hypertensive syndromes and gestational diabetes, the study of the epidemiological profile of pregnant women with these pathologies and the associated risk factors may contribute to better prenatal care provided by the attention teams basicAcesso AbertoFatores de riscoGestanteDiabetes mellitus gestacionalHipertensão gestacionalRisk ractorsPregnant womenGestational diabetes mellitusGestational hypertensionFatores de risco gestacional para síndromes hipertensivas e diabetes mellitus gestacional em gestantes de baixo risco: revisão integrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da Saúde