2020-07-012020-07-012020-07-012020-06-15https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1612This article talks about the right of life in face of terminality, tanking as focus the comparation between the procedures of passive euthanasia and orthotanasia, from the perspective of the currente regulations. In that context, it is necessary to understand how advancing technology has been influenced on the final stage of life and how the possibilities of artificial prolongantion of life change the the perspective of the society and the law have on the topic of death. And is just about the light of the current lure that remains necessary to compare the procedures of passive euthanasia and orthotanasia, their similarities and differences, to understand why one of them is configured as a homicide by the Brazilian Penal Code, while the other is accepted in the country,as well as to understand how far does the dignity oh the humam person and the individual’s right over his own body and lige go.Acesso AbertoDireito à vidaTerminalidadeProcedimentos de prolongação da vidaDignidade humanaNormativa vigenteRight to lifeTerminalityLife prolongation proceduresDignityCurrent regulationsO direito à vida diante da terminalidade: uma análise a partir de parâmetros comparativos entre a eutanásia passiva e a ortotanásia à luz da normativa vigenteTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito