2019-08-202019-08-212019-08-202019-06-13https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/909The main objective of the present work is the more specific analysis of the protection offered by Social Security and Social security, as well as the retirement process of rural workers, especially in issues involving the character Non-contributory and evidential means to initiate this security, stressing that for this protection, the regulatory legal framework is based on certain social and constitutional principles, in addition to supporting concepts of Several species of employees and mainly the relationship and equation between rural and urban workers.Acesso AbertoTrabalhador ruralSeguridade socialPrevidência socialPrincípiosAposentadoriaBenefíciosConstituição federalRural workerSocial securityPrinciples retirement benefits federal constitutionAplicação dos princípios gerais da previdência social frente a não contribuição do trabalhado ruralTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito