2021-09-152021-09-152021-09-152021-02-20https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4592This paper aims to analyze and expose the concept of intentionality in a Heideggerian perspective to existential analytics, the possibility of being open existentially to the power-being in a totality and to discuss freedom-responsibility to the meaning of life since Viktor's logotherapy Frankl. Approached phenomenologically, the research points to the condition of being as an ex-sister. It presents the discussion of being in the dasein and its possibilities of placing itself authentically in the choices, through the intentionality of its values. Considering freedom-responsibility in the conscious and open search for coexistence.Acesso AbertoIntencionalidadeAntropologia filosóficaLiberdadeLogoterapiaIntentionalityPhilosophical anthropologyFreedom and responsibilityLogotherapyResponsabilidadeIntencionalidade: o poder-ser na liberdade-responsabilidadeTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências da SaúdePsicologia