2019-02-112019-02-112019-02-112018-12-11https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/768In article 1605 of the civil code of 1916 the children had different classifications and treatment. The children born within the marriage were those legitimized, those who had a natural inheritance right, social recognition and the preference of families, the offspring generated outside the marriage relationship were well-off, often unrecognized and adoptees were the last option of a family considered unstructured for not having been able to generate children inbred. Over time, the society / legislator realized that this was not the best way to deal with filiation and succession, thus revoking this device and creating a new one that explained theAcesso AbertoLeiCriaçãoAlteraçãoFontesDireitoFiliaçãoLawCreationAlterSourcesRightMembershipA alteração das normas ao longo do tempo com destaque ao direito de filiação do código civil de 1916 e do código civil de 2002Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito