2019-01-282019-01-282019-01-282019-01-282019-01-282019-01-28https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/643The present article aims to discuss the autonomy of the patient at the end of life, analyzing the anticipated directives of will in the orthanasia situation, as well as contextualizing the possibilities about autonomy, Just as in the important distinctions in the terminality of life. Through doctrinal, jurisprudential and legal reflexes, he seeks to ascertain the right to a dignified death of the patient, as well as the manifestation of will in orthanasia situations, based on the principles that affect the patient’s will.Acesso AbertoDiretivas antecipadas de vontadeOrtotanásiaTestamento vitalMandato duradouroAutonomiaAdvance directives of willOrthanasiaLiving willLong term mandateAutonomyDisciplina jurídica do exercício da autonomia no fim da vida: uma análise das diretivas antecipadas de vontade face ao pressuposto da situação ortotanásiaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito