2020-04-202020-04-202020-04-202011-02-23https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1501The object of this study lies in the field of relations between family and substitute services in mental health in the face of responsibilities of taking care of patients with mental disorders in Brazilian Psychiatric Reform scenario. The main target of this is work is to understand the conflicts generated by the expectations of family members regarding the care provided to their relatives related to psychological distress by CAPS, as by the family return service expected by the care realization. The work combines methodological procedures for investigating feature-documentary associated with review of literature, taking as a theoretical framework Michel Foucault´s critical thinking on the Psychiatric Institutions and their relationship with the family. Researches were held in the CAPS III archives of Alagoinhas, contained in the records of the patients, addressed to Public Prosecutors in 2009, relating to allocations of responsibility towards the users. The data allowed checking conflicts between family, institution and Public Prosecutors in the definition of responsibility with the mental patient. CAPS aims to involve the family in the treatment and family members expect the service assume greater care responsibility. The family expectations are not completely served by this model considered as a substitute by the psychiatric hospital. In deadlocks, the Public Prosecutors must intervene and determine how it should proceed to the accountability of care of the patient with mental disorders.Acesso AbertoFamíliaCAPSReforma psiquiátricaLoucuraUma análise da intersecção Família e Reforma Psiquiátrica no contexto do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial - CAPS III da cidade de Alagoinhas - BahiaDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar