2021-07-292021-07-292021-07-292021-06-18https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/4461This paper seeks to analyze how the implication of procedural detention can reflect on prison overcrowding and how the use of milder precautionary measures can lead to a reduction in the vices of arbitrary and/or unnecessary prisons for the accused who are still responding to the criminal process in Savior . The aim is also to point out the importance of the custody hearing for the due criminal process. In this line, quantitative data will be illustrated that will show the effectiveness of the precautionary measures of procedural arrest in a hearing for the benefit of the accused.Acesso AbertoSuperlotação carceráriaPrisão processualMedida cautelarAudiência de custódiaDevido processo penalPrison overcrowdingProcedural prisonPrecautinary measureCustody hearingDue to criminal procedureA aplicação das medidas cautelares diversas da prisão preventiva para redução do cárcere arbitrário e/ou desnecessário nas audiências de custódia na cidade de SalvadorTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito