2020-01-082020-01-082020-01-082019-10https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/1330This theoretical work aims to think over the right to education focusing on the legal determinations that instituted it, and how, from the educational reforms provided for in the national context and by international agents, the insertion of private institutions that intend to materialize this fundamental right is allowed. The paper assumes that, throughout education’s history, the fundamental right to it is present in the Brazilian constitutions and that, from these rules, the conception and effectiveness of such right sometimes innovate, sometimes retroact. Public school’s quality is the challenge of the Brazilian educational system. The presence of social organizations – NGOs, various institutes in the public schooling system – suggests the public school’s inability to, on its own, provide quality education for the citizensAcesso AbertoDireito à educaçãoPolíticas educacionaisOrganizações sociaisRight to educationEducational policiesSocial organizationsSEMOC - Semana de Mobilização CientíficaO direito à educação e a participação das organizações sociaisSEMOC - Semana de Mobilização Científica (22: 2019: Salvador, Ba)Artigo de EventoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar