2019-09-132019-09-132019-09-132019-06-14https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/985Arbovirus are viral infections, transmitted in nature, through the bite of hematophagous arthropod vectors. They have become an important threat in tropical regions due to factors that favor viral transmission, such as drastic climate changes, uncontrolled deforestation, disordered migration and occupation, and fragility in sanitary conditions. Lately the number of cases where the nervous system is affected in patients infected with arboviroses has been evidenced. An example of a pathology caused by these arboviroses is Guillain-Barre syndrome. The origen of GBS is still unknown, but is believed to be related to an immune response of the body in response to infectios agents. OBJECTIVES:The purpose of this study was to review the association between Guillain-Barré Syndrome and arboviruses infections and to describe the characteristics indicated that evidenced this association. METHODOLOGY: This work is a systematic review of the literature with articles published between 2008 and 2019. Original articles of Portuguese, Spanish and English language were included, which addressed the association between zika, Chikungunya and dengue virus with the syndrome of Guillain-barre, available in the databases in their entirety. All articles addressing association with other infections were excluded. RESULTS: A total of 304 articles were found in the databases and selected 14 after evaluation of titles and abstracts. The results presented in the literature demonstrate that there is an association of the sundrome with arbovirus, especially in periods of virus epidemic. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: This study evidenced the association of GSB and arboviroses, being highlighted as the main symptom for suspected infection the fever,for diagnosis of GBS the paralysis of limbsAcesso AbertoArbovírusSíndrome de Guillain-BarréVírus da dengueVírus chikungunyaVírus da zikaArbovirosesGuillain-Barré syndromeDengue virusChukungunya virusZika virusInfecção por arboviroses associada à síndrome de guillainbarré: revisão sistemáticaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Biológicas